
How to Set Up Automatic Nightly Lead Exports


Setup the Nightly Lead Export Email to automatically send identified recipients an email notifying them that the CSV file with a list of leads that includes the lead/opportunity information is available in My Downloads. The leads that are included are those that have exceeded the lead score threshold and have had some sort of marketing activity on the previous day. The email notification is sent each night. Logged in users can access the report under My Downloads.

The CSV file will include three things:

  1. The standard lead contact information like email address, first name, last name, company, and phone number.
  2. Any custom lead fields such as the product of interest.
  3. A list of the marketing events for that lead in JSON format.  This includes the type, date/time, and description of the event.

Here is an example of the JSON formatted string for marketing events:

[{"Type":"Email Open","Description":"Email 'EP-ADSD-NA-Nurture1-Dynamic' was opened. Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here<\/a> to view the email.","Date":"6/6/12 6:05 PM"},{"Type":"Website View","Description":"Viewed website '<a href='' target='_blank'><\/a>'.","Date":"4... 6:09 PM"},{"Type":"Website View","Description":"Viewed website '<a href='' target='_blank'><\/a>'.","Date":"4... 6:09 PM"},{"Type":"Email Open","Description":"Email 'Eloqua Lead Campaign' was opened. Click <a href='' target='_blank'>here<\/a> to view the email.","Date":"4/16/12 5:21 PM"}]

This list can be easily imported into your CRM using its standard lead or data import capabilities.


You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:

  • Zift123 Username
  • Zift123 Password

Important: Administrative permission is required to access the Zift123 Settings. For more information, contact your supplier point of contact.

How to Set Up your Nightly Email Export.

  1. On the Zift123 home page, click the drop down arrow beside your name, select Settings.
  2. From Zift123 > Settings, select CRM Settings.
  3. Select Add New CRM Integration.
  4. Select Nightly Lead Export from the drop down.
  5. Select Edit Settings.
  6. Complete the settings.
    1. Under Users to Send File, enter the email addresses that will receive the email notifying them that they can pick up the report in My Downloads.
    2. Enter the minimum lead score threshold.
    3. Select either Lead Distribution, Marketing Automation or both under Usage Profile.
      1. Learn more about Settings: How to Set Up a Usage Profile for a CRM.
      2. Note for the Lead Distribution usage profile within Nightly Lead Export Email CRM - Distributed Leads must be ACCEPTED (or the partner must have Auto-Accept enabled) before being added to the Nightly Lead Export Email CRM.
  7. Select Save at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Verify the integration is set to On to complete the integration process.



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Continue Getting Started With Setting Up Your Settings
  1. Company Profile
  2. Manage Users
  3. Email Notification Setting
  4. Social Media
  5. Website Analytics
  6. Suppression List
  7. CRM Settings
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