Administrative Permission Required
Administrative permission is required to access the Zift123 Settings. For more information, contact your supplier's point of contact.
Zift123 CRM settings has four sections: General, CRM Connection, Usage Profile, and Advanced General Options.
- The General section contains limited information that includes the CRM type, supplier name, and how to record leads.
- The CRM Connection settings feature the CRM username, password, and security. This information is gathered from the CRM.
- The Usage Profile determines how Zift123 will handle your Marketing Automation leads with Advanced Marketing Automation Options and Lead Distribution leads with Advanced Lead Distribution Options.
- The Advanced General Options apply to all leads in the Zift123 account, regardless of their origin.
In this article, we cover CRM Connections. For step-by-step instructions for your specific CRM, see that CRM's Implementation Guide:
CRMs have different ways of connecting to Zift123.
- Salesforce provides security keys.
- Microsoft Dynamics, SalesLink, and SugarCRM require a WSDL URL.
Follow the directions below for either security key or URL to set up your CRM Connection settings.
Add a Security Key to Your CRM Settings
If your CRM uses security keys, follow these steps to add the key to your CRM Connection settings:
- On the Zift123 home page, click the drop-down arrow beside your name and select Settings.
- From the Settings menu, select CRM Settings.
- Select the CRM from the drop-down list to add it to the list, or if it is already in the list, click Edit Settings next to the CRM.
- Here you can add the security key or token provided by your CRM. Each CRM works differently. Refer to the implementation guide for your specific CRM for more directions on how to add CRM-specific security keys.
Add a WSDL URL to Your CRM Settings
If your CRM uses WSDL URLs or other kinds of URLs to verify credentials, follow these steps to add the URL to your CRM Connection settings:
- On the Zift123 home page, click the drop-down arrow beside your name and select Settings.
- From the Settings menu, select CRM Settings.
- Select the CRM from the drop-down list to add it to the list, or if it is already in the list, click Edit Settings next to the CRM.
- Under CRM Settings, input your CRM username and password.
- Here you can add the security key or token provided by your CRM. Each CRM works differently. Refer to the implementation guide for your specific CRM for more directions on how to add CRM-specific URLs.