Accepting the lead simply means that you intend to follow up with that lead. You can reject a lead for a variety of reasons such as not having enough information to enable follow up or the lead being sent to the wrong dealer, among others. Your workflow will determine where you accept or reject leads. We recommend choosing one of the methods listed below and making it your routine.
- You can accept or reject a lead from the email in your inbox.
- You can accept or reject a lead from within the Message Center.
- You can accept or reject a lead directly from Zift123. Navigate to Contacts > Distributed Leads. From the list of Distributed Leads, select the name of the lead, click Accept or Reject. A dialogue box will open where you can select Reject or Accept. Both options may open a new window where you can provide feedback, explain your decision, or pass the lead on to another unit or partner.
- You can accept or reject a lead using Auto-Accept Leads from Settings > Lead Management if you are receiving distributed leads.
- If you have integrated with a CRM, you can also accept and reject leads directly from the CRM. Learn more about CRM Configurations.
Here is the workflow for Auto Accept turned on.
Note: If you are using SalesLink CRM all leads would push to CRM regardless of the selection for Auto-Accept Distributed Leads.
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