Zift123 automatically sends notifications to the partner default owner or sales rep. The notifications can be customized by your administrator.
Lead Notification
The Lead Notification email is a versatile email design that can be customized to meet several needs. It can be a lead notification email, lead update request email, opportunity update request or a process complete email. These emails are triggered for distribution in the following ways:
- When the resend notification button is pressed in Lead Details > Marcom.
- When a new lead is distributed to a partner through lead creation in Ziftmarcom.
- When a new lead is distributed to the partner via a PRM/CRM.
- When a lead has an opportunity registered for it.
- When a lead is created from an activity.
Lead Rejection Notification
The lead rejection notification gives the supplier a chance to investigate why a lead was rejected. Rejection may be the result of insufficient information on the lead to pursue it further. These notifications are sent when a lead is rejected by the partner. Contact support@ziftsolutions.com if this feature is not turned on.