Syndication is the process of distributing useful, interest-driving information to end users. Often the terms content and web syndication are considered interchangeable but there are subltle differences.
- Content syndication is the from the supplier, who originates the content, through the partner, who can co-brand the content, leveraging their brand with the suppliers. The content usually contains Calls to Action (CTA) or content linking to related content.
- Web content syndication is slightly different because web syndication is the process of distributing useful, interest-driving information from the web to the partner web location. Web syndicated content is typically not co-branded but also may contain Calls to Action or content linking to related content.
Marketers use syndication to engage prospects and boost conversion rates. Syndication lets you:
- Deliver targeted relevant content to website visitors.
- Lift the burden of constant content development.
- Boost conversion rates and generate new qualified leads.
- Easily personalize and customize content to support your value proposition.
- Solidify your online reputation as an expert in your vertical.
- Monitor website visits, capture deep prospecting data and see exactly how content is consumed.
Zift products syndicate multiple channels of content for partner use in their comprehensive marketing plans. Consider using email syndication, web plugins, and social media in your comprehensive plan. Zift supports syndication in these ways:
Email Content Syndication
With email syndication from Zift Solutions, templates and campaigns are created that are reusable. Emails may have landing pages, confirmation pages, and forms associated with them. Partners can choose from the emails made available to them and then co-brand them for consumption by the end user.
Email syndication has the following attributes
- Supplier provided co-branded emails with the ability to personalize
- Responsive mobile design
- Campaign start and end dates
- Review and approval stages
- Dynamic landing pages
- Campaign workflows
- Campaign tagging
Zift products syndicate multiple channels of content for partner use in their comprehensive marketing plans. Consider using email syndication, web plugins, and social media in your comprehensive plan.
Social Media Content Syndication
Partners can push social content to their connections and followers using supplier-based content that is continuously updated by the supplier.
Social Media syndication has the following attributes
- Partners can always create, edit, schedule, approve, ignore, or delete social media posts
- Partners can add mentions with @, hashtags with #, and images.
- Partners can select from a library of supplier provided co-branded posts.
- Set campaign language preference
- Add images and graphics
Depending on desired settings, partners may need to act on the available social media posts from suppliers to push the content to their followers. Partners can always create, edit, schedule, approve, ignore, or delete social media posts. Additionally, partners can add mentions with @, hashtags with #, and images.
Web Plugins for Web Syndication
Syndication is the process of distributing useful, interest-driving information to end users. Web syndication is the process of distributing useful, interest-driving information from the web to the partner web location. Web syndicated content is typically not co-branded but also may contain Calls to Action or content linking to related content.
With a web plug-in from Zift Solutions, syndicated content adjusts automatically based on data about current website visitors. Web Plugins can be just a line or two of code that can easily be embedded into your website. You retain control with the ability to easily personalize and customize content displays to fit your specific brand and value proposition. Built-in analytics allow you to capture deeper prospecting data and measure site visitor activity to improve responses and adjust marketing efforts to the the best results.
- Panels or showcases are usually a web landing page with multiple types of content. Showcases allow you to automatically and easily display supplier-provided syndicated web content such as rotating offers, videos, lead capture forms, and downloads such as whitepapers and case studies. This web content can be single or multi-pages and can be embedded within a site fitting seamlessly in like other non-syndicated pages.
- Micro sites
- Banner widget
Web Plugin syndication has the following attributes
- Responsive web design
- Start and End dates
- Review & publishing stages
- Campaign topic tagging