
How to Assign a Social Media Lead to a Sales Rep


This feature is not available in all solutions.  For more information, contact your supplier point of contact. 

Qualified leads are an incredibly valuable resource. Zift123 enables visibility and tracking across the lead life-cycle. This functionality allows you to track interaction with prospects and includes marketing touches with real-time updates. Because of this lead tracking, you may need to change the status of a lead or assign a specific sales rep to work the lead.


You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:

  • Zift123 Username
  • Zift123 Password

How to Assign a Social Media Lead to a Sales Rep

  1. From Social Media > Analysis > Leads, select the lead you want to assign to a sales rep.
  2. Select Assign.
  3. Select from the drop down box list of sales reps. 
  4. Select Assign.

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