
Contact Lists Details


A contact represents an individual person with specific demographic information. The unique identifier for a contact is their email address. To access the Contact Details view:

  1. Navigate to Contacts > Contact Lists.
  2. Select Contact List.

In the Contact Detail view, you can do the following:

  1. Register a contact as a lead.
  2. Add Contacts to contact lists for targeted marketing communications or segmenting your audience.
  3. Archive the contact list.
  4. Review contact interaction with marketing efforts.
    1. Spam - The number of emails that were identified as spam.
    2. Invalid - The number of emails identified as invalid. This number includes the number of hard and soft bounces.
    3. Unsubscribed - The number of contacts that unsubscribed.
    4. Pending - The number of contacts that are pending response.
    5. Active - The number of active contacts.
  5. Edit the details for the list, such as rename the list.
  6. Filter the list by Active, Pending, Unsubscribed, Invalid, and SPAM.
  7. Export the list. Logged in users can access exported files directly in the My Downloads Center.
  8. Sort the list by lead score, create date, and name.
  9. Search the list for a specific name.
  10. A contact’s information can be edited by selecting the name.
  11. Remove a contact from a list.


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