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Social media provides you with the means to build, mix, and promote business engagement, conversation, and supplier- and partner-generated social content. It comes in many forms: audio, text, video, images, and more. This content informs and entertains the people who consume it.
What's the Value in Social Media?
- Reduce the time and costs of your social media efforts.
- Provide relevant content to enhance your social media presence.
- Automatically adjust content to your brand guidelines.
- Improve lead generation efforts.
- Build and foster new customer communities.
It is important to analyze the results of your social media efforts. You may decide to adjust your wording or use different hashtags. Alternately, you may decide not to change your posts because they were effective the way you ran them the first time. Zift123 provides you with data to make those decisions.
You can access all of the statistics for social media posts at Social Media > Analysis > Social Statistics.
- Social media data includes the number of sent posts, social clicks, likes, shares, comments, and followers for all linked social media accounts including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and WeChat.
- Filter the date range is last 12 months, last 12 weeks, or last 14 days.
- Compare multiple data sets, social clicks, likes, shares, comments, or followers.
- Ability to print or export PDF, PNG, JPG, or SVG is also in this section.
- Select different activities to display name, followers, and percentage of total clicks.
- Logged in users can access exported files directly in the My Downloads Center.