
How to Create My Own Campaign


A campaign is a collection of marketing activities that include emails, email workflows, web plugins, print media, digital advertising, or a combination of activities. A campaign can either be supplier-provided or you can create your own campaign. By creating campaigns, you will be able to gather data in one place for all the marketing activities around a specific product or service.

You will have campaigns available to you via Browse Campaigns. However, you may want to create your own unique campaign. If you have subscriptions to multiple suppliers, be sure to select one specific supplier before creating your campaign.


You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:

  • Zift123 Username
  • Zift123 Password

How to Create My Own Campaign

  1. From My Campaigns, select Create Your Own Campaign.
  2. Name the campaign.
  3. Select Create. At this point, the campaign is an empty containerAdd various activities to complete building the campaign.
  4. Select an Activity.
  5. Select Activate the Campaign.
  6. Personalize the activity.
  7. Next steps will depend on the activity you have chosen. See Getting Started with Email, How to Create a Web Plugin Campaign, How to Create a Print Media Campaign.

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Continue Getting Started With Email
  1. Find Campaigns Available to You
  2. Create Your Own Campaign
  3. Add Activities to an Existing Campaign
  4. Personalize the Email
  5. Add Recipients to Your Email Campaign
  6. Schedule the Email
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