
Leads Associated with Campaigns



A campaign is a collection of marketing activities that includes emails, email workflows, web plugins, print media, online ad campaigns, or any combination of these. You can use supplier-provided or create your own. By creating campaigns, you will be able to gather data in one place for all the marketing activity around a specific product or service.

Leads is where you will find all the leads generated by activities associated with a campaign.

To navigate to the Leads view, select Campaigns > My Campaigns > select the campaign. If leads are associated with the campaign, there will be a Lead option in the left navigation. 

In this view, you can do the following: 

  1. Add new category tags may be an option as indicated by the + symbol. Adding a tag will make the campaign easier to find when searching.
  2. Navigate to other menus: Campaign DashboardReference Materials, ScheduleRecent Activity, Analysis, and About.
  3. Buttons for the following actions:
    1. The Agency Assistance option is available if you have granted agency access
    2. Add Activity to a campaign. Activities are Promoted Activity, Email, Ad Campaign, Print Media, Web Plugin and Other.
    3. View/Change the current status of the campaign as defined below:
      1. Draft - Draft is the status of new campaigns. The campaign has not generated statistics and contains no activities that require action. 
      2. Active - All scheduled emails and workflow mailings will be released according to schedule. 
      3. Idle - Idle is the status of the campaign when statistics have not been captured in the last 30 days.
      4. Pause - When a campaign is paused, no emails will be released and workflows will be paused. Social Media posts will continue to post. To stop the social media post, Edit the Upcoming Posts to either unschedule or schedule on a different date.
      5. Archived - When a campaign is archived, no mailings will be sent and all workflows will be deactivated. The campaign will only be accessible by selecting the Archived Status on the My Campaigns page. An archived campaign can be resumed by clicking the Start button. When resuming your campaign, any mailing or activity that was scheduled in the past or in the next 24 hours will be unscheduled and will require rescheduling. This is done to ensure nothing gets delivered unexpectedly. Mailings that were scheduled for more than a day in advance will remain scheduled. You can learn more about Campaign Status.
    4. Edit/rename the campaign.
  4. Status for the campaign.
  5. Leads associated with the campaign will display. Each line will indicate the expected date and time the activity deploys, the name of the activity, and the date sent. Click the line icons to duplicate, preview, and move the scheduled activity.
  6. Filter by All Events, Email Opens, Email Clicks, Web Views, Web Clicks, Form Submissions, Conversions, Unsubscribes, Bounces, and Spam Reports limiting the data in the report.
  7. Search for leads by name or email address (
  8. The list will list the Lead Name, Number of Events, Campaign Score, and Most Recent interaction date.
  9. Export data to a .CSV file to use as a contact list. The file can be viewed under User Menu > My Downloads.2017-10-19_LeadsAssociatedwithCampaigns.jpg

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