Yes, you can build a custom URL to drive to one specific page within your embedded showcase. Deep linking is a link to a page within a web plugin.
You will need to append the URL of the page with a zPage Parameter. Building the deep link requires expertise with your content management system. You may want to reach out to your tech support or web developer for assistance.
To access the zPage Parameter for any showcase page, do the following:
- Navigate to Web Plugins > Browse.
- Activate the supplier showcase.
- Select the showcase title, to display the Web Plugin Snap Shot Dashboard.
- Select View. A new browser tab will open with your Preview Showcase.
- Navigate to the page inside your showcase that you want to build a deep link for. Use the Preview Showcases's internal navigation to access the exact page to deep link to. Once there copy/past the zPage Parameter from the page address bar.
If your supplier decides to update your showcase content and changes the unique identifiers of the showcase pages, your deep links will break. You will need to update your zPage Parameters to re-build the deep links.
Now that you have the zPage Parameter copy/pasted from the Preview Showcase, the zPage ID must be appended to the URL of the page in your microsite where you want the content to live.
To append the zPage ID to your URL do the following:
In this example assume the company website is URL is and the page on your website is
- Add the zPage ID to the end of your URL as shown in the example above. The deep link will look similar to this
- Remember, you copied zPage identifier (zPage=softwaresecuritysys-46bd382d) from the Preview Showcase page.
- Add the /? at the end of the page URL BEFORE pasting in the zPage ID.
See adding Custom CSS to a showcase.