Most of the time you are using templates curated by your supplier to create emails and landing pages in your campaigns. You can also create your own (CYO) landing page for use in your campaigns. You can quickly create a landing page without having to be an expert in HTML using the Contact Form.
You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:
- Zift123 Login
- Zift123 Password
How to Create a Landing Page
- Select Contacts > Contact Form.
- Select Fields from the list to indicate the information you want from your customer.
- Select the Contact List where you want the data.
- Make a landing page in one of these ways:
- Add the URL for the contact form and put that URL in the CYO email's call to action.
- Embed the form on a website and use the website URL in the call to action.
- When a prospect fills out this form the following happens:
- The prospect information can be found in the contact list indicated on the form.
- The prospect can be Registered as a Lead from the selected contact list.