Contact lists may be created by syncing your CRM with Zift123. The syncing can save you time on data entry and will improve lead follow-up time.
You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:
- Proper credentials for Zift123 access.
- Knowledge of marketing workflow.
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) set-up. See CRM Integrations for detailed instructions on specific CRMs.
How to Sync a Contact List from Salesforce CRM
Zift123 is able to sync a pre-segmented list of leads or contacts from Salesforce. Complete the following tasks to sync data between Zift123 and Salesforce.
- Login to Salesforce.
- In the menu bar, click the + and then click on Reports.
- Select on the folder on the left - Unfiled Public Reports.
- Select New Report. Choose either Leads under the Leads folder or Contacts & Accounts from the Accounts & Contacts folder. Click Create.
- From the Show list, choose All leads. Zift123 only supports segmentation that starts from all leads.
- From the Date Field, optionally choose a range of either Custom or All Time. Enter the dates to filter if choosing Custom.
- Build up your list of segmentation criteria by clicking Add. Zift123 supports filtering using the following fields for leads: Email, First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, Country, City, State, Phone, Mobile Phone, Postal Code, Annual Revenue, Industry, Lead Source, Status, Rating, Number of Employees, Created Date, Last Modified Date. Zift123 supports filtering the following fields for contacts: Email, First Name, Last Name, Title, Country, City, State, Phone, Mobile Phone, Postal Code, Lead Source, Department, Home Phone, Other Phone, Birthdate, Last Modified Date, and Created Date.
- You will be shown a list of the leads or contacts that match your criteria.
- Select Save. Give the report a name - this name will appear in Zift123 when you create a contact list. Choose the Report Folder as Unfiled Public Reports - only reports from that folder will be shown in Zift123.
- Select Save.
- Set up a CRM integration with Salesforce. See this document for how to do this.
Salesforce/Zift123 Integration FAQs
What are the specific criteria when creating a contact report in Salesforce so that it gets created as a list in Zift123?
Here is the criteria.
- The syncing process requires an email address for each contact.
- The report must be created in the Salesforce Unfiled Public Reports folder.
- Create the report using Contact or Lead objects, not Account objects. Example: Use the country field in the Contact or Lead object and not from the Account object. If you use the Account object for Country, you may get a list but no contacts in the list.
- Only standard fields will be pulled into Zift123 with a list.
- Contact Examples: first name, last name, company, title, work phone, mobile phone, email, address1, address2, city, state, country, and unsubscribed.
- Lead Examples: Email, First Name, Last Name, Title, Company, Country, City, State, Phone, Mobile Phone, Postal Code, Annual Revenue, Industry, Lead Source, Status, Rating, Number of Employees, Created Date, Last Modified Date. Zift123 supports filtering the following fields for contacts: Email, First Name, Last Name, Title, Country, City, State, Phone, Mobile Phone, Postal Code, Lead Source, Department, Home Phone, Other Phone, Birthdate, Last Modified Date, and Created Date
- Multiple values will be supported in a field using a comma delimited list. Example: MS, VA, TN is acceptable in the state field.
- Lists will be updated from Salesforce to Zift123 and Zift123 to Salesforce based on email address. The integration will add, update, and remove data from the report.
- If the contact is deleted or opted out of Salesforce, they will not be updated in Zift. If the contact/lead is deleted or opted out of Zift123, they will no longer be updated in Salesforce.
- If the contact/lead opts out of Zift and is not in Salesforce, they will not be pulled to Salesforce.
- Opt out and bounce activities are reported in Salesforce as Zift events.
- The contact list will update on a nightly basis.
What happens when you delete the report in Salesforce? Does Zift123 delete the corresponding list?
If you delete the report in Salesforce or move from the Unfiled Public Reports folder, the report will be frozen in Zift123 and will not change. You should archive a report that is in this state.
What happens when a list is archived in Zift123 that was a synced list from Salesforce?
The list will not be pulled again.
I have a contact that is in both Zift123 and Salesforce. When the contact is deleted in Salesforce, is it also deleted in Zift123?
No, you will need to make the contact inactive in Zift123. Making a contact inactive is a one by one process in Zift123.
If the contact Opts Out in Zift123, the contact will be on the suppression list. Will it be deleted from Salesforce?
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