This feature is not available in all solutions. For more information, contact your supplier point of contact.
Qualified leads are an incredibly valuable resource. Being able to export the data to MS Excel allows you to manage and organize your data as well as create charts and other visual presentations. Additionally, sales reps can use this information to "work the leads" or create new contact lists. Below are examples of the types of information available when you export the data for registered leads.
- Create date
- Title
- Last name
- First name
- Street address
- Street address
- City
- State
- Postal code
- Country
- Mobile phone
- Office phone
- Appointment date
- Appointment format
- Tela-qualification notes
- Sales stage
- Opportunity
- Form submissions
- Appointment time
- Overall lead score
- Website clicks
- Email opens
- Email clicks
- Opens
- Website views
You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:
- Zift123 Username
- Zift123 Password
- About Lead Management
How to Export a Distributed Leads List
To export a lead list, do the following:
- Navigate to Contacts, select Distributed Leads.
- Select Export.
- Enter an email address in the Export Contacts pop-up window.
- Select Export Contacts.
- Check your email for the resulting report.