
About Mailing Credits

Important: Administrative permission is required to access the Zift123 Settings. For more information, contact your supplier point of contact.


Zift123 administrators can manage Mailing Credits in the Zift123 platform under Settings. A mailing credit represents the ability to send a single email to an email address. 2500 email credits will service 2500 email recipients. Partners can see their monthly Mailing Credit Limit details and their bounce rate at the top of the page. You may request additional credits if you meet eligibility requirements.


The following topics are explained in this article:

Navigate to Settings > Mailing Credits

How Zift Counts Emails

  • One email credit equals one email target recipient.
  • Partners receive email credits at the beginning of every month.
  • Partner base credit capacity will reset and replenish up to your authorized service tier at the beginning of each month.
  • An email TEST does not count against your partner credits.
  • Opt-in Authorization emails count against your partner credits. You are responsible for negative sender reputation results from these emails.

Current Mailing Limits Explained

This section shows the Zift123 user's system generated email credits allotted per month.

  • Monthly Limit: The number of email credits allotted per month.
  • Sent: The number of individual emails that have been sent out month-to-date. Opt-in Authorization emails are considered as part of Sent email count.
  • Remaining: The number of emails available to send out month-to-date.
  • Per Mailing Limit: The number of emails the partner is allowed to send out in one mailing.
  • Bounce Rate: This bounce rate indicates the percentage of times this month your emails have failed to reach their destination successfully. A monthly bounce rate lower than 8% will qualify for increased mailing limits.

Request Limit Increase

You may request additional credits if you meet basic qualifications. The qualifications are as follows:

  • You must use at least 50% of your current limit to request an increase.
  • Your bounce rate must be less than 5% to request an increase.

If you meet these two qualifications, you can click Request Review. The request is sent directly to our support team. You will see a confirmation that the email was sent on the Mailing Credits Setting screen.

The support team will then review your recent mailing history and determine if you are eligible for a mailing credit increase. Normally, our agents respond within 2 business days.

You will find guidelines provided on the Mailing Credits Settings page defining how your sender reputation as well as what you can do to improve your sender reputation if your recent spending history is outside of our thresholds.

Important: Agencies and vendor employees are required to make the request directly to When contacting Support, provide the user email and company name with the request.

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