Staying in touch with your customers is an important part of any marketing plan. The contact database is made up of individual contacts that represent an individual person or business and contains specific contact information. This information includes each contact's name, address, city, state, and phone number. With Zift123, you can target specific segments of your existing contacts to create contact lists. Once your list is built, you can deliver content using campaign activities such as email and print media. Created lists are available for reuse and may be used as the basis for new lists.
Often a Contact Form is used to gather consistent data from contacts reached through your marketing activities. Using a CAPTCHA on a form is a way to tell humans and machines apart. Using CAPTCHA improves the data gathered from the contact form.
You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:
- Zift123 Username
- Zift123 Password
How to Add CAPTCHA to a Contact Form
- From my.zift123.com, select Contacts > Form.
- Select Contact Fields and complete the form.
- Select Contact List and select the contact list you would like to connect to the form.
- Select Embed, then copy and paste the code into a text editor.
- With the text editor open, register for a CAPTCHA.
How to Register for a CAPTCHA with Google
- From this Google page, select Get reCAPTCHA.
- Register for a new site.
- Name the CAPTCHA. Example: your domain name.
- Enter your website domain. Example: ziftsolutions.com.
- Enter the email address of anybody who should receive information about your CAPTCHA account.
How to Implement and Set Up Your Website
- Google will give you an easy way to install with Step 1: client-side integration.
- Put the API JavaScript file in the header of your website. It should look something like the one below.
- Paste the second snippet, similar to the one below, into your website.
- Paste this code into the form right before your submit input button. Add form validation by adding in onsubmit="return z_validate0" to the form tag as shown below.
- This is what the form should look like.
- This is what the CAPTCHA will look like on your form.