
How to Archive Campaigns


A campaign is a collection of marketing activities that include emails, email workflows, web plugins, print media, digital advertising, or a combination of activities. A campaign can either be supplier-provided or you can create your own campaign. By creating campaigns, you will be able to gather data in one place for all the marketing activities around a specific product or service.

Archiving a campaign is really just a change in status. Campaigns cannot be deleted. Archiving or Holding moves the campaign out of the active campaign view which helps you remove clutter from your Active View.

When a campaign is archived, all mailings scheduled for the future are canceled, and all workflows associated with the campaign are deactivated. Any mailings or activities will need to be rescheduled.

You can always resume an archived campaign.

You can change a status to activate a campaign that is on hold or in archive status from multiple locations in Zift123 by selecting the status button. Changing the status may result in mailings going out immediately, depending on the schedule for the campaign.


You should be familiar with the following topics before continuing:

  • Zift123 Username
  • Zift123 Password

How to Reactivate an Archived Campaign

You can reactivate an archived campaign from any of these locations:

  • My Campaigns > Snap Shot Dashboard if the campaign is on Hold.
  • My Campaigns > Schedule if the campaign is on Hold.
  • My Campaigns > Leads if the campaign is on Hold.
  • My Campaigns > Activity Log if the campaign is on Hold.

In this example, we begin with My Campaigns.

  1. From Campaigns > My Campaigns, select the archived option in the status filter to limit the view to only archived campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign you would like to resume. 
  3. In the Snap Shot Dashboard view, note the status on the right: Archive, Hold, Start, and Edit.
  4. Select Start.GIFArchiveCampaign.gif

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