
About the Email Activity Dashboard


A campaign is a collection of marketing activities that includes emails, email workflows, web plugins, print media, online ad campaigns, or any combination of these. You can use supplier-provided or create your own. By creating campaigns, you will be able to gather data in one place for all the marketing activity around a specific product or service.

Each activity in a campaign has its own dashboard. The dashboard is a snapshot of the activity details at any given time. The dashboard display varies based on the activity's status, which can be Draft or Sent. This article covers both the draft and sent statuses.

To navigate to the dashboard, select Campaigns > My Campaigns > select a campaign > select an email.

Activity Dashboard for an Email in Draft Status

For an activity still in Draft status, you can edit details, personalize the content inside the blue dotted lines, add contacts, and schedule deployment.  Note that not all suppliers allow for content to be personalized. 2017-10-18_ActivityDraft.jpg

In this view, you will see the following:

  1. Alerts notifying you that tasks need to be completed before the activity can be deployed.
  2. Buttons to Share on Social Media, Delete the activity, and Edit the activity. Selecting Edit take you to the wizard where you can edit activity details, personalize activities, add or delete recipients, and schedule or unschedule the activity.
  3. View Email is a preview of the email and is available for email activities that have not been sent.
  4. Details gives the activity status, email for both the sender and replies, create dates and notifications when the activity is sent.
  5. Recipients will show the number of recipients or that no recipients are added to the activity.
  6. Notifications are sent when mailing recipients complete and submit a related form. Additionally, each person set to receive email notification will also receive an email summary report 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days after the mailing is sent. For workflow tactics, the Gear icon indicates if the workflow is active and running or paused.

Activity Dashboard for an Email in Sent Status

After the activity is deployed and building statistics, the dashboard will display statistics for the activity. For email mailings, the statistics are Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and Unsubscribes. After deployment the activity can no longer be changed.2017-10-18_ActivityDashboard.jpg

 In this view, you will see the following:

  1. Left navigation menu for Activity Dashboard, Leads, Recent Activity, Analysis, and View Activity (email, web plugin).
  2. Buttons to request Agency Assistance and Share on Social Media.
  3. The Analysis Bar shows data for Email Opens, Email Clicks, Web Views, Web Clicks, and Leads. The Analysis Bar will display for emails, web plugins, and social media activities. Note that the Emails Sent total does not include emails sent to less than five recipients. The Zift platform assumes that less than 6 recipients indicates a test mailing.
  4. Details give the activity's status, which is Sent, and the date.
    1. In Sent status, the activity cannot be edited or personalized.
    2. For email activities the detail shows the sender's email, the reply-to email, subject, create date, and notifications when the activity is sent. For workflow activities, you will also see entry conditions.
    3. For workflow tactics, the Gear icon indicates if the workflow is active and running or paused.
  5. Notifications are sent when mailing recipients complete and submit a related form. Notifications can be edited. Additionally, each person set to receive email notification will also receive an email summary report 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days after the mailing is sent. For workflow tactics, the Gear icon indicates if the workflow is active and running or paused.
  6. Statistics for the activity. The icons will show as red, green, or yellow based on percentages. Statistics are shown for the following:
    1. Opens: the number of times the email was opened.
    2. Clicks: the number of times something in the email was clicked.
    3. Bounces: indicates the number of hard bounces (either the email address or domain no longer exists).
    4. Unsubscribes: the number of times recipients clicked the unsubscribe option in the activity.
  7. Recipients: The total number of activity recipients as well as a breakdown of the number of recipients in each workflow step.


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